Thursday, March 28, 2013

iPhone developement slides

Here are the slide for the iOS development topics
  1. Introduction to iOS
  2. Views in iOS
  3. ViewControllers
  4. StoryBoards
  5. Notifications n KeyPadHiding
  6. Gestures
  7. CustomeGestures
  8. ViewHeirarchy, ResponderChain
  9. iOSArchitecture
  10. DataPersistence
  11. SQLite3
  12. CoreData
  13. XML n JSONParsing
  14. Communicating with WebServices
  15. AudioVideo Foundation
  16. Camera, Accelorometer
  17. Memory Crash issues
  18. UIPageViewController
  19. AutoLayout, iCloud
Download from this link.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

ObjectiveC slides

Here are the slides for the ObjectivC topics which given below.
  1. Introductin to ObjectiveC
  2. Objects, Classes, Messages in ObjectiveC
  3. OOPS concepts in ObjectiveC
  4. Properties in ObjectiveC
  5. protocols n Categories in ObjectiveC
  6. Selectors in ObjectiveC
  7. FoundationClasses in ObjectiveC
  8. NSString n NSNumber in ObjectiveC
  9. NSArray n NSData in ObjectiveC
  10. Dictionary, Range, Date in ObjectiveC
  11. NSFileManager, NSFileHandle in ObjectiveC
  12. Memory Management in ObjectiveC
  13. Blocks and GCD
Download slides from here.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

C programming language slides

 Here are the complete slides for all the topics in the C Programming language. Given URL is a downloadable link for the zip file which contains the slides for all the topics given below.
  1. Introduction to C programming language
  2. C Language Basics
  3. Operators
  4. control statements
  5. Switch statements
  6. looping Statements
  7. Arrays
  8. Functions
  9. Structures-Unions-typedef
  10. Pointers
  11. Char and Strings
  12. Memory Management
  13. Storage Classes
  14. Miscellaneous
Download from this link.

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