- number: it returns this string if the input to the typeof is number
- string: it returns this string if the input to the typeof is string
- boolean: it returns this string if the input to the typeof is boolean
- The string is boolean and not bool
- object: it returns this string if the input to the typeof is javascript
- undefined: it returns this string if the input to the typeof is a variable and which is not defined
typeof operand // braces are optional typeof(operand)
typeof 2 //returns number typeof(2) //returns number typeof("2") // returns string typeof(a) // a is a variable and returns depending on a value
Sample code:
function typetest() { var a = 2; //number type var a = "2"; // string type var a; //undefined var a = true; //boolean type var a = {a:"first character",b:"second character"}; // object type if(typeof a == "number") alert("a is number"); else if(typeof a == "string") alert ("a is string"); else if(typeof a == "undefined") alert ("a is undefined"); else if(typeof a == "boolean") alert ("a is boolean"); else if(typeof a == "object") alert ("a is object"); }
This function gives object as output, because javascript overrides the variable declarations, so latest declaration will take, here it is javascript object. This variable overriding is called variable hoist. I will write one post on this later.