Below is the complete working C source code for the simple calculator. Click here for the problem description. This programs takes the input file name as a command line argument and write the result in the output.dat in the current directory.
+ 2 5
- 10 5
* 8 9
/ 92 3
c A
C b
P 56234 3
R 3.64195 2
S -51.235
D 50 10
2 + 5 = 7
10 - 5 = 5
8 * 9 = 72
92 / 3 = 30
A ==> a
b ==> B
56234 (digit @ 3) ==> 2
3.641950 (precision=2) => 4.00
-51.235000 ==> sign=-, integer=51,fraction=235000
i=50,x=10 ==> j=5, k=45
// // main.c // Calculator // // Created by chanduthedev on 4/18/13. // #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> void add(int first, int second,FILE * ofp) { printf("%d + %d = %d\n",first,second,first+second); fprintf(ofp,"%d + %d = %d\n",first,second,first+second); } void multiply(int first, int second,FILE *ofp) { printf("%d * %d = %d\n",first,second,first * second); fprintf(ofp,"%d * %d = %d\n",first,second,first * second); } void substract(int first, int second, FILE *ofp) { printf("%d - %d = %d\n",first,second,first-second); fprintf(ofp,"%d - %d = %d\n",first,second,first-second); } void divide(int first,int second, FILE * ofp) { fprintf(ofp,"%d / %d = %d\n",first,second,first/second); printf("%d / %d = %d\n",first,second,first/second); } void toUpperCase(char ch, FILE * ofp) { printf("%c ==> %c\n",ch,toupper(ch)); fprintf(ofp,"%c ==> %c\n",ch,toupper(ch)); } void toLowerCase(char ch,FILE * ofp) { printf("%c ==> %c\n",ch,tolower(ch)); fprintf(ofp,"%c ==> %c\n",ch,tolower(ch)); } void printKthDigit(int val, int k,FILE * ofp) { int i=1; int temp =val; while(temp >0) { if(i == k) { printf("%d (digit @ %d) ==> %d\n",val,k, temp%10); fprintf(ofp,"%d (digit @ %d) ==> %d\n",val,k, temp%10); break; }; i++; temp = temp/10; } } void roundDecimal(double x, int n, FILE * ofp) { char temp[32]=""; double rounded = round(x); sprintf(temp,"%.*lf",n,rounded); printf("%lf (precision=%d) => %s\n",x,n,temp); fprintf(ofp,"%lf (precision=%d) => %s\n",x,n,temp); } void separte(double x , FILE * ofp) { char temp[32]=""; char sign; int intPart; int fraction; sprintf(temp,"%lf",x); sscanf(temp,"%d.%d",&intPart,&fraction); if(intPart > 0) sign = '+'; else { sign = '-'; intPart = -1 * intPart; } printf("%lf ==> sign=%c, integer=%d,fraction=%d\n",x, sign,intPart,fraction); fprintf(ofp,"%lf ==> sign=%c, integer=%d,fraction=%d\n",x, sign,intPart,fraction); } void partitionInteger(int i, int x, FILE * ofp) { int j; int k; j = floor(x* i/100.0); k = i-j; printf("i=%d,x=%d ==> j=%d, k=%d \n",i,x,j,k); fprintf(ofp,"i=%d,x=%d ==> j=%d, k=%d \n",i,x,j,k); } void help( FILE * ofp) { printf("\n *** Help Menu! See below for Calculator Commands: ***\n"); printf("\n + i j ---> Add integers i and j \n"); printf("\n * i j ---> Multiply integers i and j \n"); printf("\n + -i j ---> Subtract integer j from i \n"); printf("\n /i j ---> Divide integer i by j \n"); printf("\n C Ch ---> Change character Ch to uppercase \n"); printf("\n c Ch ---> Change character Ch to lowercase \n"); printf("\n P i k ---> Print out the k-th digit of integer i \n"); printf("\n R x i ---> Round double value x to i decimal places \n"); printf("\n S x ---> Separate out the sign, integer part and fractional part of double value x \n"); printf("\n D i x ---> Given integers i and x, print out two integers j and k, where the sum of j and k equals i, and when you take x'percent' of i and truncate it you get j \n"); printf("\n H ---> view all commands \n"); printf("\n Q ---> Quit program\n"); } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { if(argc != 2) { printf("Usage "); exit(0); } const char * inFile=argv[1]; char str[64]; int lineNum=1; int first,second; double firstDouble; char ch; char outFile[]="outData.dat"; FILE * ofp = fopen(outFile,"w"); FILE * fp = fopen(inFile,"r"); while(fgets(str,64,fp) != NULL) { if(lineNum == 1) { printf("Initial %s",str); } else { char * temp = str; char cmd = temp[0]; temp++; //ignore command temp++; //ignore space; printf("CMD=%c : ",cmd); if(cmd == '+') { sscanf(temp,"%d %d",&first,&second); add(first,second,ofp); } else if (cmd == '*') { sscanf(temp,"%d %d",&first,&second); multiply(first,second,ofp); } else if (cmd == '-') { sscanf(temp,"%d %d",&first,&second); substract(first,second,ofp); } else if (cmd == '/') { sscanf(temp,"%d %d",&first,&second); divide(first,second,ofp); } else if (cmd == 'C') { sscanf(temp,"%c",&ch); toUpperCase(ch,ofp); } else if (cmd == 'c') { sscanf(temp,"%c",&ch); toLowerCase(ch,ofp); } else if (cmd == 'P') { sscanf(temp,"%d %d",&first, &second); printKthDigit(first,second,ofp); } else if (cmd == 'R') { sscanf(temp, "%lf %d",&firstDouble,&second); roundDecimal(firstDouble, second,ofp); } else if (cmd == 'S') { sscanf(temp,"%lf",&firstDouble); separte(firstDouble,ofp); } else if (cmd == 'D') { sscanf(temp,"%d %d",&first,&second); partitionInteger(first,second,ofp); } else if (cmd == 'H') { help(ofp); } else if (cmd == 'Q') { break;//quits } else { printf("Function Z not implemented yet!"); } } lineNum++; } fclose(fp); fclose(ofp); return 0; }Input file format:
+ 2 5
- 10 5
* 8 9
/ 92 3
c A
C b
P 56234 3
R 3.64195 2
S -51.235
D 50 10
2 + 5 = 7
10 - 5 = 5
8 * 9 = 72
92 / 3 = 30
A ==> a
b ==> B
56234 (digit @ 3) ==> 2
3.641950 (precision=2) => 4.00
-51.235000 ==> sign=-, integer=51,fraction=235000
i=50,x=10 ==> j=5, k=45
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