This is single linked list implementation in C. It contains all the possible operations in single linked list.
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> //linked list structure struct node { int info; struct node *next; }; //making typdef so we can use Node instead of 'struct node' typedef struct node Node; //inserting or creating the list or adding the element @ end Node* insert(Node *h, int info) { Node *tempHead=h; Node *newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); newNode->info = info; newNode->next = NULL; if(tempHead == NULL) // if the list has zero elements. make new node as a head { h=newNode; } else if(tempHead->next==NULL) // if the list is having only one node { tempHead->next = newNode; } else { Node *tempNode = h; while(tempNode->next != NULL) // if the list has more than one node, so moving to the last node { tempNode = tempNode->next; } tempNode->next = newNode; // appending the new node at the end } return h; } //deleting a node from list. It has three cases //1. empty list //2. deleting first node in the list (this is similar to deleting current node in the list) //3. other than first node void deleteNode(Node *head, int info) { Node *h = head; Node *temp=NULL; if(h==NULL) { printf("Linked list is empty\n"); return ; } if(head->info == info) { if(head->next == NULL) head = NULL; else { head->info = head->next->info; temp = head->next; head->next = head->next->next; free(temp); h = head->next; } printf("----------------- given %d element is deleted from the list----------------- \n",info); return ; } while(h->next!=NULL) { if((h->next->info == info)) { temp = h->next; h->next=h->next->next; free(temp); printf("----------------- given %d element is deleted from the list----------------- \n",info); return; } h=h->next; } printf("-------------- %d is not in the list ------------\n",info); return ; } //deleting current node void deleteCurrent(Node *current) { current->info = current->next->info; current->next = current->next->next; } /***************************************************************************** for displaying the nodes in the list *****************************************************************************/ void display(Node *h) { Node *temp = h; while (temp->next!=NULL) { printf("%d->",temp->info); temp = temp->next; } printf("%d\n",temp->info); } //reversing a linked list Node *reverseList(Node *head) { Node *newHead,*temp; temp = head; newHead = head; if(newHead == temp) { temp=head->next; head = head->next; newHead->next = NULL; } while(head!=NULL) { temp=head->next; head->next = newHead; newHead = head; head = temp; } return newHead; } // looking for a element in the list void search(Node *head, int element) { Node *tmp = head; while(tmp) { if(tmp->info == element) { printf("%d found in the list\n",element); break; } tmp=tmp->next; } printf("%d not found in the list\n",element); } //finding the size of the linked list int listSize(Node *head) { Node *tmp = head; int size=0; while(tmp) { size++; tmp=tmp->next; } return size; } //adding the new node to a linked list @specified position Node *add(Node *head,int element, int location) { Node *tmp = head; Node *newNode = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); newNode->info = element; newNode->next = NULL; if(!location) { newNode->next = head; head = newNode; return head; } while(tmp!=NULL) { if(!location) { newNode->next = tmp->next; tmp->next = newNode; } tmp = tmp->next; location--; } return head; } int main() { Node *head = NULL; int i,n,element,choice,pos,size; printf("Enter no. of elements in the list\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter the elements in the list\n"); // printf("info value is %d\n",head->info); for (i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&element); head = insert(head,element); } printf("Below are the operation we can perform on the linked list\n"); printf("1. Adding Element\n2. Deleting Element\n3. Display list\n4. Reverse list\n5. Finding element\n6. Finding nth element from last\n"); printf("7. Linked list Size\n8. Exit\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); while(choice!=8) { switch(choice) { case 1: printf("Enter the element to add to the list\n"); scanf("%d",&element); printf("Enter the position where to ad the element \n"); scanf("%d",&pos); head = add(head,element,pos); break; case 2: printf("Enter the element to delete from the list\n"); scanf("%d",&element); deleteNode(head,element); break; case 3: printf("----------------- list of elements in the linked list are----------------- \n"); display(head); printf("----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- \n"); break; case 4: head=reverseList(head); printf("----------------- given linked list is reversed ----------------- \n"); break; case 5: printf("Enter the element to be searched in the list\n"); scanf("%d",&element); search(head,element); break; case 6: printf("Enter the position from last\n"); scanf("%d",&pos); Node *tmp=nthFrmLast(head,pos); if(tmp) printf("%dth element from last is %d\n",pos,tmp->info); else printf("enter the pos less the list size\n"); break; case 7: size = listSize(head); if(size) printf("----------------- linked list size is %d----------------- \n",size); else printf("----------------- list is empty----------------- \n"); break; case 8: return 0; break; default: printf("Enter the choice between 1-9 only\n"); break; } printf("1. Adding Element\n2. Deleting Element\n3. Display list\n4. Reverse list\n5. Finding element\n6. Finding nth element from last\n"); printf("7. Linked list Size\n8. Exit\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); } }
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